Later on Parade event that after the sheen of the archipelago held on 25 November 2007, to the level of participation of 24 West Java district, Puppet Landung as the mainstay of Ciamis district champion capable of reaching the 2 after a contingent of Cirebon, who became the first champion with his art Buroq. While the champion to 3 achieved Subang Regency. As for the national level followed by the 12 provinces, West Java, which is represented by art Bebegig (1st level of West Java in 2006) are also still coming from Ciamis district must succumb to the contingent that came from the distant West Sumatra as the first winner, followed by Central Kalimantan and Banten.
Almost all districts show that there are types of traditional art its region respectively. For Priangan territory, Garut Regency featuring "Angklung Beans", featuring art Sumedang rengkong in procession "Ampih Pare", City of Banjar "Jampana", Kota Tasikmalaya show "Angklung Badud" and Tasikmalaya regency show "Dancing Batok" combined with the artistic tradition.
According to Scout, Achievement for Puppet Landung not the main goal. Even more important is to develop in society. "Puppet Landung easily created by anyone, its cost is also cheap because it is made from elements of the existing foliage around the house, its shape was interesting because it has a high 4 meters with a Marionette Puppet." Said the man who also created and developed a performing arts center trays (longser puppet ) and Sekar Wayang (puppet children) in a container Sangkala Community Disbudpar Ciamis.
Puppet Landung indeed diadaftasi of beberepa idiom of tradition. shape taken from the scarecrow but syllables and apparently from the puppet show. Made of straw, eurih, kararas, and coconut. Landung puppet plays as well as Marionette Puppet play, because his hands were given bamboo blame game that is held by a dancer who memanggulnya. Despite weighing up to 25 kg, but pemanggulnya can move swiftly to make the configuration of dance and walk away.
The existence of new creations derived from the value ketradisian by Pandu is important. In addition to enriching local culture and art treasures, it is also a manifestation of the creativity of artists. "Maybe tens of years into the future creation of this new art will be developed if the community is also tradition" says Pandu. Furthermore Pandu also said that currently Indonesia's traditional arts are in danger of intellectual property recognized by other countries as well as original art, as is the case Angklung, and the last song Rasa Sayange Reog Ponorogo claimed by Malaysia.
"The government should provide protection against Singkil Traditional Indonesian Art. Whether it's with copyright laws, as well as with the increase of cultural events in various regions for the more traditional art more widely publicized. In addition, many activities are given to the artist's passion penggarapnya to display the best and increase local tourist attraction. "