Wayang is a form of manifestation of the shadow play that was exhibited by humans.
So wayang art is a reflection of the shadow puppets. The difference is, these people puppets can move and the dialogue itself.
Function and performances Puppet People, as well as ordinary spectacle is sometimes also used to fulfill the vow.
As in wayang kulit, the usual story sung in Wayang Babad Purwa also sourced from the Mahabharata and Ramayana. Art Puppet People who live today basically consist of two streams namely Surakarta style and Yogyakarta style.
The differences that exist between the two streams are mainly in intonation dialogue, tan, and costumes.
Dialogue in Surakarta, Wayang style is more realistic according to the level of emotion and atmosphere that occurs, and the intonation slightly vary.
In Yogyakarta Wayang style distilisasinya dialogue in such a way and has a monotonous pattern.
Almost all groups were found using the Puppet People Surakarta style dialogue.
If ever there was one difference, the difference was only found in dance or sometimes in costume.
To organize the puppet show is complete, usually needed support as many as 35 people, consisting of:
(1) 20 people as a player (made up of men and women);
(2) 12 people as concurrent wiraswara gamelan;
(3) 2 as waranggana;
(4) a person as a puppeteer.
In the Wayang performance, the puppeteer who is also a function of directors is not an area like the wayang kulit.
Puppeteer displacement of people acting as a regulator of scenes, marked by seclusion or monologue voice.
In the dialogue spoken by the players, very little interference mastermind. Dalang only provide clues outline only. Furthermore, the player himself who had to improvise with the dialogue in accordance with the flow of stories that have been granted by the puppeteer.
Patterns costume and make-up Puppet People adapted to the shape (pattern), wayang kulit, so that the pattern we never find in everyday life. Performing Puppet People use the concept of stage performances that are realistic.
Every movement of the players performed with dance, both when it entered the stage, exiting the stage, the war or the other.
Gamelan is also used as the wayang kulit is pelog and slendro and if they do not complete the slendro usually used alone.
Old man puppet show is usually around 7 or 8 hours for one play, usually performed at night.
The show at noon is rarely done.
Before the show began to frequently appear in the pre-spectacle of dance attractions are called extra, which had nothing to do with the main story.
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